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Frequently Asked Questions

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  • What is Process Triage®?
  • Process Triage® is a proven methodology that connects business leaders with front-line employees to identify limitations in internal processes and develop actionable plans for improvement.
  • How does Process Triage® benefit my business?
  • Process Triage® helps identify pain points, reduce errors, ensure compliance, streamline processes, increase profit, and improve capacity. It also aids in planning AI strategies, project prioritization, and onboarding new leaders
  • What are the key steps in the Process Triage® Method?

  • The key steps include a pre-planning session, an intensive one-day workshop, post-workshop analytics and reporting, a 90-day action plan activation, pulse reports, and measuring the business impact.
  • Who leads the Process Triage® workshops?

  • The workshops are led by certified facilitators who guide frontline employees through comprehensive workflow mapping and identification of process improvements.
  • How long does a typical Process Triage® workshop last?

  • The intensive one-day workshop involves a comprehensive workflow exercise, usually completed in a single day.
  • Can Process Triage® be customized for different industries?

  • The Process Triage® Method is industry-agnostic and requires no customization. It has been used in many different industries, including healthcare, high tech, construction, real estate, legal and professional services, finance, insurance, manufacturing and industrial, education, media, telecom, government, nonprofit, food and beverage, retail and consumer goods, logistics and transportation, marketing and events, and many others.
  • What tools and reports do we receive after the workshop?

  • Post-workshop, you will receive a physical and digital process map, a customized 90-day action planning tool, and periodic pulse reports to track the progress of initiatives.
  • What kind of results can we expect from using Process Triage®?

  • You can expect increased efficiency, reduced errors, improved compliance, better employee engagement, and enhanced customer satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher profits and capacity.
  • How can we get started with Process Triage®?

Contact Us to schedule a pre-planning session where we identify the process to be triaged and set clear, measurable goals for your organization.