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Gain a Holistic View of Your Organization

The System of Systems (SoftS) exercise, developed by Derrick Mains as part of the M4 Method, is a powerful tool for visualizing and analyzing an organization's core functions.

This exercise involves mapping out the primary systems or departments within a business, typically including sales, marketing, operations, procurement, logistics, service, HR, finance, and R&D/technology. Participants identify these core systems and their supporting functions, then rank them based on which areas cause the most "heartburn" or stress.

The SoftS exercise helps leaders and teams gain a holistic view of their organization, identify areas of friction between departments, and prioritize which processes need the most attention. By providing a clear visual representation of how different parts of the business interact, the System of Systems exercise enables leaders to make more informed decisions about process improvement and resource allocation.

This foundational step in the M4 Method sets the stage for more detailed process analysis and optimization efforts, ultimately leading to enhanced operational excellence.

Contact us to learn how our System of Systems exercise can transform your operations, improve efficiency, and drive sustainable growth.


The Process Fixer team comprises highly skilled professionals who bring diverse expertise and a wealth of experience to the table. Our combined skills and collaborative approach ensure that our clients and customers benefit from a holistic perspective and data-informed, innovative solutions. Together, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional results and empowering organizations to achieve their operational goals.